Choose the fit life

Choose The Fit Life

I love life. There is something exhilarating about being able to wake up every morning and breathe in the fresh morning air, as you watch the sunbeams dance on the opposite wall while listening to the twittering birds, as you stretch out your limbs stiff from their eight hours of rest. I feel blessed and content, eager to embrace what the day brings with it. A nice morning walks, followed by half an hour of meditation and a healthy breakfast later, I’m ready to take on any challenge life throws at me. By the time I reach office, I begin to see people succumbing to the effects of the rat race that we all run. My colleagues eye me with envy, believing that I’ve got lady luck by my side. I let them believe what they will. The truth, if they ever find it out, will surprise them.

I was a sickly child. My body wasn’t producing enough insulin to help me metabolize the sugar in the food I consumed. By the time I was 10 years old, being hospitalized was so normal for me, I was surprised to learn that most kids spent their entire childhoods without having to be admitted. “What did they do then?” I wondered. Slowly, I started noticing what children around me were doing. They lead active lives filled with games, fun and adventure while I was housebound due to an underdeveloped immune system. I realized that if I wanted to enjoy life I needed to be in charge of my health instead of the other way around. So I took charge of my health and devoted myself to a life revolving around fitness. I discovered the joy of eating healthy and sensibly and the rush of adrenaline from exercise. AS I became fit, I became a passionate advocate for fitness and healthy lifestyle choices.


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